Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Muff Boost

A Beginner's Project
Muffer I wanted to do a simple project that would be easy and cheap for a beginner to build. A good single transistor design can do the job well. Let's just extract a section of the classic Big Muff, modify it slightly and use it as a single booster stage. It can provide over 30db of gain and will be fairly low noise.
If D1, D2 and C3 are not used, the circuit will amplify without distorting. This is useful in overdriving a tube amp input as a clean boost or providing a boost to a weak guitar signal. When the diodes and capacitor are added, the circuit will become a simple distortion box.
The transistor is not too critical. Use the 2N3904, 2N2484, 2N5088, BC108 or similar NPN silicon devices. When used as a distortion, the 10uF/C3 capacitor controls high content to some extent. Make it smaller to add some brightness or leave it as shown for full range. The diodes may be replaced with germanium types for a different clipping response though I would use 4 diodes (2 pairs) to keep the output volume at a higher level.
The circuit is laid out on the pcb so that you can follow the schematic to visualize how the design goes together. The dpdt switch can be eliminated and the jacks connected to the pcb IN and OUT if you do not need to be able to switch the booster out of the signal path.
You can build the Muffer (as a boost without the diodes) on the AMZ Multi-Purpose PCB. Order one of these boards and build this easy project!
Muffer Schematic
Muffer Board Layout
Order a PC Board

AMZ Simple Mixer

Rangkaian Delay Speaker & Speaker Protector

Rangkaian-sirkuit speaker relay delay ini berguna sebagai penunda/delay pada speaker yang berfungsi sebagai pencegah agar tidak terjadi dentuman pada saat pertama kali amplifier dihidupkan. ini bertujuan untuk memperawet speaker agar tidak cepat rusak.

Rangkaian Perubah single volt. Menjadi Simetris Volt

Skema :

Daftar Komponennya :
R1-2-4=22Kohm C1=100uF 63V C5=220nF 100V MKT
R3=1Kohm C2=100nF 100V MKT IC1=L165
R5=1ohm 1W C3-4=10uF 40V

Rangkaian Efect Guitar

Pada postingan kali ini saya mencoba membantu teman-teman yang kesulitan mencari rangkaian efek gitar, sebenarnya saya bukan seorang pemusik, ataupun seorang gitaris, tetapi atas permintaan dari teman-teman, saya posting rangkaian efect guitar sederhana ini, saya sendiri belum pernah mencoba rangkaian ini, rangkaian ini adalah koleksi saya yang paling sederhana dari banyak rangkaian efek gitar. Mungkin lain kali saya posting rangkaian yang lebih komplek lagi. Silahkan mencoba saya pingin tahu hasilnya, mohon poskan komentar anda.
Skema efek gitar :

Crossover to Gain Audio System Quality


  • R1 = 390K
  • R2 = 2K2
  • R3, R4 = 22K
  • R5, R6, R9 = 100K
  • R7 = 150K
  • R8, R10, R11 = 3K9
  • C1 = 5uF/16V
  • C2, 3 = 33pf
  • Q1, 2, 3 = BC109
  • Loud Speaker = LS Woofer dan Tweeter
Crossover to Gain Audio System Quality

PreAmplifier Equalizer using IC TL074


  • R1, R2, R3, R4 = 10K
  • R5 = 68K
  • C1 = 100nF
  • C2, C3 = 33nF
  • C4, C5 = 3n3
  • Pot1 = 47K
  • Pot2, Pot3 = 100K

Electro Suite

PreAmplifier Equalizer using IC TL074